In a creative slump? 5 ways to get unstuck

In a creative slump? 5 ways to get unstuck

In a creative slump? 5 ways to get unstuck

All creative businesses go through phases.  There are times to create and get into the flow and there are time to implement those new creations by creating new content and new product. It is perfectly normal to go even weeks at a time without creating anything new. The hardest part is finding that inspiration again.

Here are some tried and true methods that help the creative juices flow again:

  1. Go for a walk. Change your setting and give yourself space to think. I am always inspired when I am out in nature.
  2. Find some prompts online and use those to get the creative juices flowing. 
  3. Just start. Sometimes, honestly you can't wait around for inspiration to come to you, you have to take action first. 
  4. Use this time to work on other non-creative parts of your business. Your mind may be stuck because you have unresolved tasks elsewhere that need your attention first. 
  5. And lastly, ask your audience! Survey your audience with what they would like to see next. Don't have a large audience? Ask those closest to you for feedback to start. 

I've run my creative business for over 6 years and there are many days where I don't feel like creating and then there are days where I can't put my paint or my ipad down! Trust the process and trust the eb and flow of inspiration. It's okay to not feel inspired all the time. It's good to give your mind a rest and switch things up!